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Ware Shoals 


Ubicado en el antiguo Riegel Mill Site, el anfiteatro Ware Shoals es una instalación para eventos y conciertos con asientos de césped al aire libre.  El anfiteatro recién construido puede albergar hasta 10.000 espectadores por evento.  El anfiteatro está completamente cerrado con más de 2000 pies lineales de cerca de eslabón de cadena de vinilo negro de 6 pies. Todo el perímetro de la cerca está cubierto con una pantalla negra de privacidad.  El anfiteatro Ware Shoals tiene puertas de entrada y salida de 6 pies, 2 puertas de entrada de 16 pies y otra puerta de salida trasera de 6 pies.  Doce luces decorativas están instaladas en todo el anfiteatro para iluminación.  


Los clientes pueden traer mantas y sillas de jardín.

No se permiten mascotas.

No se permiten alimentos, bebidas o refrigeradores externos (según los eventos/rendimiento).


Stage Area

The Ware Shoals Amphitheater stage is 2200 square feet of concrete that accommodate most any performance or entertainers.  The stage is covered with a 25x35 ft. shade structure manufactured by Shade Systems, INC. Adjoining the stage is a 56’x102’ (5,249 Sq. Ft.) concrete dance pad for spectators to enjoy.

stage is covered with a 25x35 ft. shade structure manufactured by Shade Systems, INC. Adjoining the stage is a 56’x102’ (5,249 Sq. Ft.) concrete dance pad for spectators to enjoy.

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Leasing Information



At this time pre-sale tickets can be purchased at Ware Shoals Town Hall or by calling 864-456-7478.  The Town of Ware Shoals is in the progress of establishing online ticket sales.


Rain Policy

Cancellation of any event/performance will be decided by The Town of Ware Shoals or the lessee/host that is in charge.  Each event/performance will have terms posted on tickets, and advertisement informing spectators that the event/performance will be rain/shine, rescheduled, refunded, or no refunds.   For free events hosted by The Town of Ware Shoals all efforts will be made to reschedule. 



The Ware Shoals Amphitheater has three parking lots that are conveniently located for spectators attending events.  Parking signs will be posted at each parking area.

  • Amphitheater Parking highlighted in red.

  • Ware Shoals Amphitheater highlighted in yellow.

Patrons with disabilities 

Handicap Parking is available for easy access to The Ware Shoals Amphitheater.  The map below shows the handicap parking area marked with blue lines.  The Ware Shoals Amphitheater also has handicap accessible portable restrooms.  

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Christmas Tree Lighting

Veterans Memorial

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Donate Now


Thank you for your donation!


Ubicación: Calle Molino 8

Ware bajíos, SC 29692


apartado de correos 510

Ware bajíos, SC 29692

Teléfono: (864) 456-7478

Teléfono: (864) 456- 7528

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© 2022 por Ciudad de Ware Shoals                                                 Creado con orgullo Melson Creative Ventures

                                                                                    Proudly created Melson Creative Ventures

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