Ware Shoals Senior Center
Ware Shoals Senior Center invites the area senior citizens to join them on Tuesdays and Thursdays for social fellowship, a meal, and other activities. The Center is located at 3 S Greenwood Ave, Ware Shoals. Doors open at 10:00 am and lunch is usually served around 11:30 am. Activities include Bible study, guest speakers, music, games, crafts, etc. A donation of at least $4.00 is asked to help cover meal expenses. The fourth Thursday of each month is a "Potluck" lunch, and everyone brings a covered dish. Meat, rolls, and tea are furnished by the Senior Center for Potluck Lunches.
Partnering with Ware Shoals Ministerial Association, local ministers volunteer to speak on Thursdays.
Scheduled speakers are as follows:
Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Christina Estes the Center is also a Monarch Butterfly Waystation.
"The “Monarch Waystation” at the Ware Shoals Senior Center has once again honored us with the presence of the Monarch Butterfly. For the past 3 late summer seasons the Monarch Butterflies have used the Senior Center Waystation as a stopover to its winter home in Southern Florida or Mexico. A Waystation is a special garden full of host plants and milkweed where the Monarchs can lay their eggs and collect nectar. We would call such a place a “Rest Area” on our vacations.
As a young girl, I remember seeing Monarchs everywhere. Now, not so much. The Monarch Butterfly have officially been listed as an “endangered Species” by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Their plight has come about for several reasons, the loss of natural habitat due to development, pesticide usage and climate change. These three are the greatest threat to their existence.
The Seniors of Ware Shoals are doing their part to help save the Monarch. You can too by planting milkweed, nectar plants and not by not using harsh chemicals.
Come see our small garden at the Center before early fall is over. Don’t mind the mess because remember our garden is being fed upon.
Christina Estes
For more information, please call Town Hall at 864-456-7478.
Thank You
Thank you to the
Ware Shoals Ministerial Association for thier generous donantion to the Ware Shoals Senior Center!
Thank you to the
Class of 1964 for their generous donation to the Ware Shoals Senior Center!